
10 School Mascot Ideas from Hogtown Mascots

Choosing a school mascot should be a fun task. However, you do not want just any mascot – you want a great one that truly represents the spirit of your school! This means that you will have to take care when deciding what exactly your mascot will be.
We are going to help you make your decision a little bit easier with these ten great school mascot ideas:
Lincoln East spartan mascot costume

1. Fierce Spartan warriors

The Spartans were fierce warriors who worked tirelessly to achieve their goals, no matter what the odds. Whether you need him for a basketball game, football game or other competition, your Spartan warrior is sure to motivate your school’s athletes. 
Wildcide bear mascot

2. A cool bear

Bears are huge, ferocious and intimidating; there isn’t much you can do to detract from that. However, adding a school varsity jacket and some hip accessories to your bear is a great way to add a fun factor that is sure to get the crowd excited.
Orange bee hornet wasp mascot

3. A bumble bee

Bumble bees are quick, agile and when you mess with them, you are sure to get stung — and if you bother one bee, the rest are sure to swarm you. This is a great way to infuse a team spirit into your school’s athletes.
Iroquois Ridge wolf mascot costume

4. A wolf

Wolves are the ultimate pack animals. They work together and communicate effectively to achieve all of their goals – this is a great thing for your school’s athletes to remember.
Picture of Amherst College mammoth mascot costume with brown fur and purple ball cap, jersey and sneakers

5. An elephant

Elephants are big, powerful and generally unstoppable beasts. This makes an elephant mascot a great option to remind both your school’s athletes and their opponents that your team is a force to be reckoned with.
Shark mascot costume

6. A shark in a home uniform

When a person invades the territory of a shark, the shark usually wins. As such, a shark mascot is ideal for home games when you want to remind the opposing school that they are in your house, and winning against your team won’t come easily.
phoenix mascot costume

7. A flaming phoenix

Okay, so your phoenix mascot shouldn’t really be on fire. But a phoenix mascot with some flame-like effects is a great way to use the symbolism of the legendary bird: no matter how hard things get, we will come back even better than ever.
West Putnam Elementary eagle mascot costume

8. A big headed eagle

Speaking of birds, no list of potential mascots is complete without adding in the eagle. This bird has one simple meaning: victory. The giant head is sure to attract attention and entertain the crowd.
Parkland trojan mascot

9. A gladiator

Gladiators were known for their intensity and ferocity, so a gladiator mascot is sure to get the crowd excited as soon as he enters the gym or field.

10. Zeus

Zeus is a mighty being who wreaks havoc on those who oppose him. Plus, his lightning bolt would be a great prop to symbolize lightning striking every time your team scored.
Regardless of which animal, human, or object you choose for your school’s mascot, make sure that it is completely unique!

For more school mascot ideas…

Whether you are ready to start getting your custom mascot created or you would just like some more school mascot ideas, Hogtown Mascots can help. We are a premier mascot production company, and we can help you through the mascot design process from beginning to end.
The Hogtown Mascots team can be reached via phone at 1-877-622-8422 or via our website at