Tips for Introducing a New Mascot Character
- June 15, 2016
- By Admin : Hogtown Mascots
- Views : 4769 views
Are you planning the big reveal of a totally new mascot character or a new and improved version of your existing mascot? You’ve likely spent a substantial amount of time and money designing and perfecting your mascot character, selecting just the right colours, accessories and outfit for your new team or company representative. You should put an equal effort into planning a creative introduction for your mascot character that maximizes your exposure and creates awareness for not only your new mascot, but also your brand overall.
Here are some tips to consider when revealing your new (or improved!) mascot character to the public:
- Keep your mascot’s new look and feel closely under wraps. By keeping the appearance of your character a secret, you can create anticipation and add an element of surprise to your reveal.
- Create a great first impression by making the introduction of your mascot character an event of its own. If you’re a sports team, schedule a special pep rally ahead of a big game to showcase your brand new mascot. If you’re a business, consider hosting a “meet and greet” event for the community and valued customers so they have the opportunity to meet your new mascot and get to know your brand.
- You might also opt to reveal your new mascot at an upcoming special event. Your annual company-wide meeting, a playoff game or special conference could make for the ideal place to introduce your mascot to a wider audience all at one time.
- Don’t forget to capture the big reveal on video! The unveiling of a new mascot character will make for a great piece of content to share on your social media profiles or embed on your website soon after the event.
- If you’ve undergone a mascot change or redesign, be sure to support it by changing all social media profiles, marketing materials and images to reflect your new mascot. The key here is to get your fans familiar with your new character so they immediately recognize it as connected to your brand.
Your new mascot character is a big investment so make sure you’re getting the most out of it when you’re ready to debut. Careful planning of the marketing around your mascot and creating buzz is key to a successful new mascot launch!
Need help designing a mascot that makes an impression? Hogtown Mascots’ custom mascot designers can guide you through the journey to creating an effective and fun mascot. Contact us today for a consultation!